Privacy Policy

Your privacy matters to us. In this policy, we explain how Aeven collects, uses, and safeguards your personal data, and why protecting your information is our top priority.

1 Data Controller

We act as a data controller in certain situations. This means that we determine the purposes and means for which your personal data is collected and processed.

The legal entity responsible for processing your personal data is:

Aeven A/S
Østmarken 3A
2860 Søborg
CVR-nr.: 43 43 21 33
Tel: (+45) 70 20 25 20

2 What personal data do we collect and why?

We process personal data about you in a number of different situations. The personal data which we collect and process is mainly provided by the data subjects themselves. However, we may also collect information from other sources.

Please read more about our different processing activities below.

2.1 Visitors to our website

When you visit our website, we may process personal data about you, such as IP address, by the use of cookies. Cookies are collected to optimise and adjust the website’s operations, (you can read more about our Cookie Policy here).

We may also collect and process personal data that you provide to us in connection with filling out the enquiry contact form to our email This may include your name, email address, business address, work phone/mobile and any other information you provide to us.

The legal basis for processing of personal data when visiting our website is based on your consent in connection with acceptance of cookies, see Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR and our legitimate interest in optimising our website and to respond to your enquiry, see Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

We retain personal data collected in connection with your visit to our website in accordance with our cookie policy (you can read more about our Cookie Policy here). We retain the personal data for the period necessary to fulfill your enquiry.

2.2 CRM system

We may collect and store personal data about customers, potential customers, and businesses partners in a CRM system. We only process general personal data such as name, title, telephone number, email address and similar contact information.

The personal data is processed with the purpose of building, optimising and maintaining existing and potential customer relationships to improve our marketing services, events, or other initiatives.

The processing of personal data is based on our legitimate interests in maintaining and optimising our relationship, see Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

We retain the personal data of our existing and potential customers for as long as we maintain a relationship with you and thereafter for as long as there is a legitimate purpose for keeping your personal data.

2.3 Supplier relations and other business contacts

We may collect and process personal data that is necessary for our cooperation with suppliers and other business contacts. We will only collect such information we deem necessary for the cooperation, including especially to fulfill our obligations and safeguard our interests when it comes to buying goods and services.

For this purpose, we typically only process general personal data such as name, title, telephone number, email address and similar contact information from relevant contact persons.

Processing of such personal data is deemed necessary to pursue our legitimate interests in relation to managing our business activities, see Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

We retain the personal data of our suppliers and businesses contacts for as long as we maintain a relationship with you and thereafter for as long as there is a legitimate purpose for keeping your personal data, including where we are required under applicable law to keep personal data.

2.4 Marketing activities

We collect your personal data, for instance, in order to being able to sign you up for our newsletters, to conduct events or other information about our services and activities. In addition to this, we may process personal data about you in connection with our interaction (e.g., likes, follows, shares, etc.) on various social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram for external communication. In some instances, we may include your details (e.g., photos, name, etc.) directly in our social media posts. In such cases, we will seek to obtain your explicit consent prior to posting these items on social media.

If you subscribe to our email newsletter, we will process your name, email address and register whether you wish to communicate with us in Danish or English. Your consent provides the legal basis for such processing, see Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR. You may withdraw your consent at any given time and, by doing so, unsubscribe to our email newsletter by writing to

In some instances, we will use your personal data such as name and email address to distribute our customer satisfaction surveys on based our legitimate interest in improving the services we provide to our customers, see Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. You may at any time request not to receive customer satisfaction surveys by writing to

2.5 Visitors to Aeven’s premises, including data center and closed-circuit television surveillance (CCTV)

When you visit one of our premises, we process your personal data such as name and the company that you work at. The processing of your personal data may occur prior to visiting our premises or upon arrival.

We carry out CCTV surveillance of selected entrance and parking areas.

The processing of your personal data is based on Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, as we have a legitimate interest to ensure an appropriate level of security, including identifying our visitors (guests) to prevent unauthorised persons accessing our premises.

The processing of your personal data is based on legitimate interest, see Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, with the purpose of monitoring selected entrance and parking areas through CCTV to secure our buildings and information for any criminal activity. CCTV is carried out in accordance with the Danish Television Surveillance Act.

We do not store data about visitors (guests) when visiting our premises. Your personal data will be anonymised once the purpose of the visit has been fulfilled. However, all recordings are stored securely on a local server on our premises and will typically be deleted after 30 days unless an event (e.g. security breach) has been identified that requires further investigation.

3 Recipients

As a general rule, we do not disclose your data. However, it may be disclosed to external suppliers, including data processors such as IT-suppliers, marketing agencies, providers of customer satisfaction surveys, suppliers of newsletter services, event suppliers, etc. The external suppliers solely process personal data on behalf of us and in accordance with our instructions and applicable data protection laws.

For information regarding our cookies, please refer to our cookie policy.

4 Your rights

You have certain rights under the data protection rules in relation to our processing of your personal data.

You have the following rights with regards to your personal data:

  • Right of access – You have the right to request access to your personal data and to request information about the processing.
  • Right to rectification – You have the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected.
  • Right to be forgotten – You are in certain circumstances entitled to have your personal data erased.
  • Right to restriction of processing – You have in certain circumstances the right to obtain restricted processing of your personal data.
  • Right to data portability – You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and the right to transit those data to another data controller.
  • Right to object – You have the right to object any lawful processing of your personal data.

You may contact us if you wish to exercise any of the above listed rights or if you have any questions concerning your data privacy at

5 Withdrawal of consent

Where our processing of your personal data is based on consent, you may withdraw such consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent carried out before the withdrawal.

If you wish to exercise your right to withdraw your consent or if you have any questions regarding our processing of personal data, please contact us at or call +45 7020 2520.

6 Modification

We reserve the right to modify or amend this privacy policy at any time based on material changes in legislation, new technological solutions, new or improved features, or to improve our website. The effective date will be displayed below this policy.

7 Filling a complaint with the Data Protection Agency

Please note that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet), which is the regulator for our processing of personal data at any time if you are of the opinion that the processing of your personal data by us infringes the GDPR and other applicable data protection laws.

8 Contact information

Aeven A/S
Østmarken 3A
2860 Søborg
CVR-nr.: 43 43 21 33
Tel: (+45) 70 20 25 20

Latest update: 

22 August 2024